favicon.ico Generator


Colorful Animated Hearts by Nicky (Created via Pixel Art; Box by Box, no lines)~ Different Shades of Pinks, Purple, Blues, Green, Orange, Yellow / Gold, Orange, and Red Animated Color-Changing Heart with "Nicky" underneath it
Created: 8 months ago
From: Nicky
License: Creative Commons, no attribution
Frames in Animation: 13

How to add the favicon to your page ?

  • Download favicon
  • Put the favicon.ico file into your webserver directory
  • This favicon is an animation. Only the Firefox browser supports animated favicons yet. For that reason you need to generate an additional non-animated favicon.ico file.
  • Add the following lines between the <head> ... </head> tags of the page:
  • Replace PATH_TO_STATIC_FAVICON and PATH_TO_ANIMATED_FAVICON with the correct paths

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