favicon.ico Generator


Lotus Export is the reputed organization in the domain of various Plastic Masterbatches, Agriculture Fertilisers, Agro Based products. We are a prominent Manufacturer and Exporter of Plastic Masterbatches, Organic Fertilizer, Neem Oil, Neem Cake, and various Industrial Chemicals. The products we offer are manufactured under strict surveillance of deft team of professionals.
Created: 10 years ago
License: Creative Commons, no attribution

How to add the favicon to your page ?

  • Download favicon
  • Put the favicon.ico file into your webserver directory
  • If it's not in the root directory, add this HTML snippet between the <head> ... </head> tags of the page:
  • Replace YOUR_PATH with the correct paths

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  • Add this HTML snippet between the <head> ... </head> tags of the page. The whole image file is already included in the HTML. There is no need to upload the favicon.ico file. This works in all browsers except Internet Explorer.

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